Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is a great way to give you a financial safety net to care for your pet when the unexpected happens. Getting pet insurance when your pet as a puppy or kitten is the best time. You can get insurance for adult pets, but premiums may be more expensive.
Puppies and kittens are curious by nature and can get themselves into trouble. A kitten can swallow a string, or a puppy can swallow part of a toy. Both can results in abdominal surgery to remove the foreign material. Pet insurance can make expensive, life saving surgery be within your budget!
As you pet ages, he or she could tear his/ her CCL or cranial cruciate ligament (equivalent to ACL in humans) and need corrective surgery. Your pet could develop liver or kidney disease which requires a prescription diet, prescription medications, and frequent lab rechecks. Emergency care in Summit County can be expensive. Having pet insurance means you can take the best care of your pet without worrying about the bill.
Pet insurance doesn’t have to be expensive. There are tons of options out there. You can get a high deductible, low premium plan to help with unexpected veterinary visits. Networks do not exist with pet insurance so you can see any veterinarian you’d like. We do not partner with any insurance companies, but here is a list of some of the options out there.
Some insurance companies have a waiting period for orthopedic coverage and some have options to include certain types of care like acupuncture and physical therapy. Insurance for pets and insurance for humans are very different. For pet insurance, you can select from a variety deductible amounts and your % coverage after deductible (70%, 80%, 90%). You pay your bill with your veterinarian, then you file a claim with your pet insurance company. After they process your claim, you get a reimbursement check! Some pet insurance companies have policies with a per year deducible and some a per condition deductible; you can choose a plan based on what you want for your pet.
Investing in pet insurance gives you peace of mind that you can take the best care of your pet without worrying about the bill. We’d be happy to talk with you about any questions you might have!